Monday, January 9, 2012

Last Week

Last week I had to go to the doctor for another reason other than you! While we were there, Dr. Barikmo said they were going to do an ultrasound. Here is what we saw:

When she put it on my belly, you were not moving. I of course freaked out but she said you might just be taking a nap. You are probably like me and love naps!  You hag grown since the last time I saw you!  I saw your heart beating which was cool. By seeing your heart, I knew you were still alive. I just wanted to see you move.  The Dr. pushed on my belly a few times and I guess we woke you up! You started moving all around and I felt better. Sure, I felt bad for waking you up, but it was nice to see you move!  I go to the doctor again on February 2nd but they said I will not be seeing you then-only hearing your heartbeat. I wanted to see how much you have grown but I guess we will wait until March. March is also when we can find out what you are. Most people think you are a girl. I am on the fence. Daddy is convinced you are a boy. We will see!

Last week and weekend were really rough on me. You made me so sick! Of course I did not throw up, I just felt really queasy. I could not sleep and the days were bad too. Thankfully Nana came over one day and took your brother out for awhile so I could just lay on the couch. That was nice! Friday was the worst and Saturday was pretty bad too!

Yesterday your Dad, brothers and I went to the Broncos game. I was SO happy I was only queasy in the morning. I did have a tiny pity party though because none of my jeans fit yesterday. I wanted to cry. My acne is bad and my belly is poofy. Regardless, we had a great time and it was the most amazing game ever! They scored an 88 yard touchdown in Overtime. I felt bad because I was jumping around going crazy. I am so sorry if that bothered you!  That was your second Broncos game already and you are not even born!  It was your brothers' first game and they are 7 and 4.  Torrin fell asleep for most of it, so Daddy and I decided that 6 is the age when you can go to a game. Camden had a great time too! Daddy laughed at me because when he was coming back from taking Torrin to the bathroom, I was high five-ing all the guys around me. He said it looked like I was in a beer commercial. Words can't express how fantastic of a game it was!

Nothing else really to report. I have not told a ton of people I am pregnant but I asked the doctor when my chance of miscarriage goes down. She said there is a 1% chance of me losing you now. I guess I can start telling more people! I am still on the fence about genetic testing. It is really expensive but in some ways, if something is wrong, I want to be informed and somewhat prepared. We will see!

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