Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oh Baby!

Yesterday, on November 16th, 2011 we found out we are expecting you in July! The positive test was in a Winnie the Pooh bag and I let Daddy open it to see the results. I just knew I was pregnant, but I was still a crying mess when I found out. Here are some pictures from the moment. Yes, we were in a parking lot.

I kept crying. Daddy asked if I was excited, but I blurted out that I was scared. I don't want anything to go wrong with you and being the terrible eater I am, I worry. I just hope everything goes well and you are perfect when we meet you in July.

I have not really noticed too many changes except my belly is puffier than usual. I am insanely hungry at all times, and I have been waking up at 4:30 a.m. for the past two days. I have a bad headache but I can't take anything for it. I have to cut out caffeine which worries me, but I can do it!

Daddy wanted to take me out to dinner lat night to celebrate but I already had plans with some friends. I want to tell everyone I am pregnant but I think it is too soon. I planned on waiting to tell Nana and Papa on Christmas Eve but I don't think that will work since I want to tell them. You are so lucky to have them as your grandparents. They are going to love you so much!

After I went out last night, I got home to something under the tree. I was very surprised:

A teddy bear was under the tree!

Very sweet of Daddy. No, he is not the best speller, but he loves us! 

I was not expecting anything under the sign!

Daddy loves jewelry (Which might be great for you if you are a girl!)

Bryan said it was your first teddy bear. That was so sweet! He loves rings so he got me one with his birthstone in the middle, my birthstone on the outside and diamonds in the center because, "diamonds are forever." Very sweet. He was worried I would not like it. It is very pretty!

On December 8th, we will be having an ultrasound and will see you for the first time. We won't know if you are a boy or a girl yet-it is far too early but they said you will have a heartbeat by then. I find that amazing.  I still can't believe I am pregnant. I am excited, but also so very nervous. 

I will be writing as the pregnancy goes along and hopefully one day you will love that I did this!